Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Who are the Wahabi?

name = Luzman
Question = 1.Are you Sunni? If yes what is your madhab?
2.What's your opinion about Wahabi?Who are they?I heard wahabi scholar of thought is out of 4 madhab or Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah.Is that true?

answer =

1, Sunni means someone who follows the Sunnah of the prophet. Therefore every Muslim should be considered Sunni by definition of the word. However this word today has been used to describe a sect within the Muslim Ummah. Sunnies represent about 90 percent of all Muslims in the world. Sunnies believe that Abu Bakr, Umar and many others from the companions were righteous people. The Shia who represent the second largest sect of Muslims believe that many of the companions were hypocrites and toke leadership of the ummah when the leadership was owed to someone else. Therefore hadiths that are narrated from many of the companions are accepted by Sunnies and rejected by the Shia. For example the Shia will not except a hadith that was narrated by Umar.

So based on this information I am a Sunni. the reason I am a Sunni is because I believe that the companions were righteous people. Specifically Abu Bakr and Umar, I believe to be righteous people. I do not believe that they were hypocrites.

There are actually hundreds of Schools of thought but 4 of them became the most popular.

Allah tells us many times in the Koran not to be divided. So this is why I am just a Muslim and that is good enough for me.

The prophet and his companions were not Hanifees or Shafies so why should I be?

2, Wahab means the bestower. So to call someone a Wahabi is not right because you are saying they are like the bestower. They are called this because they were influenced by the teachings of Abdul Wahab. His name means the slave of the bestower. He wanted to study all the schools of thought. However his father told him just to stick to one school of thought. But he didn't feel that was right and he wanted to learn from all of them. Many people agreed with him. There have been books written by him which focus on the main issue within Islam which is Tawheed. This seems to be his focus; to teach Tawheed. So to better understand him I think it is beneficial to read his books.

Today many of those who are labeled as Wahabi study the 4 popular schools of thought. They also study the works of many other scholars. We know that all humans make mistakes and therefore it is more logical to listen to multiple scholars.

I like them. They seem to be good people.

If anyone tells you something regarding religion they must provide the proof. We all make mistakes and therefore the person who makes a statement must show the proof. I have got into the habit of asking for proof. With anyone who tells me anything, I like to say; what is the proof?


  1. Wahabis do kill shia in the name of islam cause they believe shias are not muslim!
    they also are the only group of muslim who blow themselves in the name of islam and at the same time their mighty leaders in the saudi! arabia are a very strong allie to us and israel!, they even dance and drinkup with U.S. presiden't who is killing muslims in iraq and afganistan! in the name of fighting with terrorists and guess whose the terrorist there? a mighty fighty osama bin laden whose never going to be found anywhere even with those mighty fighty whatever super secret devices of U.S military, ah! osama is wahabi too, who is that possible?
    they shake hands in one way with those who actually financially support osama bin laden and at the other hand fighting with the one whose receiving wahabi saudis funds!?
    isn't that just a double standard!?, they call themselves a muslim but kill others who call themselves as a muslim! are they in a place to judge who is right or wrong and if they do so they get the right to kill whomever they thought is wrong?
    i hate them because they

  2. well... today we spoke about that - vahabis and shias. I am a Sünnî (or Sunni in english)
    people look... we just HAVE TO stop talking and discussing about that subject ! We are all muslims and even if we are Sunnis, we ALL love Ali(r.a),Huseyin, Hasan, like we ALL love Jesus and Miriam too (because Jesus and Miriam are our prophets too, not christians! we have to love 'em much more than christians). That's it. (sorry for my bad english :] )

  3. By the way, what wahabis do, i don't like and i don't follow them.


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